Scientology and Rape

September 16, 2023

A body is just a body and you pull in what you deserve.

That is the Scn view on life.

So if you are raped… you were due it.

This, ‘you get what is coming to you’, is very toxic.

In Scientology theory, if you ‘pull something in’ ie if something bad happens to you, then it is because you’ve done something bad somewhere along the line to deserve it.

It is called the overt/motivator sequence. Overts being bad acts that you do to others and motivators being bad things you ‘pull in’ to yourself. There is suppose to be a balancing in the universe between these.

It can be compared to karma.

But here the emphasis is on what it means to ‘pull something in’ and the upshot is if something bad happens to then it is cause you had it coming to you.

And that applies to rape victims. So when you are raped, this is a motivator you deserved for committing an overt.

To compound this, Scientology doesn’t believe in anyone being a victim, in fact it is absolutely scorned within the ranks of Scientology. The whole promise in Scientology is to be cause over life, so if you play the victim card then you being at effect of life and that’s just not on the cards.

Now here is a relevant question, will Scientology expell Danny Masterson.