Dortju’s Last Stand


Preface: It’s 2068 and things have roller coastered for a bit too long now for Dortju. The Ancients are almost trying to be on equal terms as are the Auspexo. 

Dortju’s main concern is finding others. Surely a united together could be reached somewhere. 

The world of Magic is working hard on telepathy and this is becoming a powerful force in the Galactic power play. 

As usual the Wizards and Witches had their own concerns. 

Book One: Dortju and Earth

Chapter 1: Dortju and the Auspexo

Chapter 2: Dortjus Research

Chapter 3. Simon’s Input

Chpater 4. Chani Advances to Senior Master

Chapter 5:

Book 2: Dortju and the Council

Book 3: Dortju Takes Over

Book 4: Dortju Suspends Hostilities

Book 5: Dortju Sniffs a Rat

Book 6: Dortju Makes Earth Home

Book 7: Dortju and the Galactic Council