Don’t for get the quantum entaglement lens and the cosmos universe with the worm holish vortexes to get from universe to universe in the spirals of the realm.
I can’t write this part right now. 2014 is still a tad too raw for me.
Book Four: Dortju gets Stung
Chapter 1: Day One
Chapter 2: Day Two
“We need to just get a fair chance to get a shot at it.”
“Dortju you take a shot, you don’t get a shot.” Owen was adamant.
“Owen if I go to get a pee it’s not taking a pee it’s a getting a pee. I don’t miss. Perhaps your aim is off, mine is not.” He’d had enough of this confab. He decided to head. This was just getting daft now.
“I’m going to go and get a pee.” an applause followed him out of the room much to Owens embarrassment.
Chapter 3: Day Three
Chapter 4: Day Four
Chapter 5: Day Five
Chapter 6: Day Six
Chapter 7: Day Seven
Chapter 8: Day Eight
Chapter 9: Day Nine
Chapter 10: Day Ten
Authors Note:
I wanted to take the tale down another path than just adventure adventure adventure. I wanted to have the protagonist come back from a too low to rise again. So Dortju had to be ‘killed off’ as a character in a sense.
I wanted to make this